Board Of Directors Approved 01/03/02
December 6, 2001

Present: Chesarek, Koch, Gemmer, Olsen, Anthony, French, Varady, Fell, Bond
Excused: Forristall, Brooks
Director Elect: Bardizbanian
Member Guest: Morland McManigal

The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

GVCC Long Range Plans - McManigal (25th President)
McManigal gave the Board many surveys, reports and history of the Club compiled from the 1991-1997 Long Range Planning Committee. He complimented the many members who contributed over the years. He praised the current Board and staff.

Minutes of November 1, 2001
Koch motioned to approve, French seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurers Report

Membership Sales & Notations

Prospective Member Joseph & Jodi Pehanick: Koch motioned to approve, French seconded. The motion carried.

The Board took note of five reductions in the selling price of memberships and one new Notice To Sell. They will be effective December 7, 2001.

Tennis Membership Proposal
Tabled until Special Board meeting on December 20, 2001.

Transfer of a Membership to a Son or Daughter
Tabled until Special Board meeting on December 20, 2001.


North Bay HealthCare: Requesting to eliminate the corkage fee for their function held at the Club on January 10, 2002. The request was declined.
Anthony motioned to donate $250.00 to the foundation subsequent to Lavezzo's review.

Significant Other
The Board of Directors discussed a member's request to amend the by-laws to extend member privileges to significant others. After a lengthy discussion, Koch motioned that Capozzo send a letter stating that the by-laws and house rules allow only for members, spouses and immediate family. Olsen amended the motion that the letter by approved by Club counsel. French seconded, the motioned carried.

The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Jeff Olsen, Secretary